Sun 5:03 PM
NEEN Canada
It has been a while since my last review and so much has happened since then. So when things were becoming unclear I reached out to Agnieszka. I truly believe that when we are close to achieving our soul's goal obstacles appear and confusion sets in. ..However, I try my best to go within and retrieve answers and that's when I recall past readings that I have had. The trouble with people and I being one of them is that we believe that the reading is going to manifest the next day. That might be, but in most cases, it is weeks, months even a year to take place. For myself, I believe that it takes a long because the Universe wants me to prepare and train for this moment or series of moments. So, my experiences with Agnieszka have been that of having an open mind to a great many possibilities and I have to admit that I can be set in my ways but her council has been spot on and direct. Not it could be this or that and this is what I need someone who may point out what I'm not seeing or refuse to see because one can't grow if you have Yes Men around you. These past recent months have been very difficult physically and emotionally, but during those times my readings were spot on and reinforced my intuition, and helped me get the clarity I was seeking. I've might have said this a hundred times to Agnieszka, but I do really appreciate the guidance and effort she puts in to help me and the many others. I may protest at times but its never directed at the messenger because I know how taxing it is emotionally and physically on her. Once again thank you, my dear friend and Guardian Angel.
October 10, 2021
I have been getting readings and spellwork done from Agnieszka for sometime now, It has never failed. Her readings are so accurate and her spell work for sure. I would highly recommend her for all your needs.
July 7, 2020
AWESOME GUIDANCE. Everything she said was right on point. I loved it.
8/23/20, 10:01 PM
This will be my 2nd time commenting on divine light and wisdom tarot And how Agnieszka Has guided me through some very Turbulent and foggy times where I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on my instinct at the time had shut down and I just couldn't read what was going on or what was going to happen next.
Over the Year or so Of having council with Agnieszka Many of the things that she pointed out that were showing within the readings have now become clear or are foreshadowing that they are on their way.
To very most recent Situations that were foretold have or are becoming to fruition. I'm not one to brag lol but 3 exs were For seeking Communication with me. 2 out of the 3 contacted me in one day this past Saturday the 1 that's holding out as my ex wife and we know why she stubborn lol.
The next big thing that was told about just happened an hour ago on Facebook looks like I'm one of the 2 lead guitar players from the seventies punk band the Viletones Contacts who will be embarking on a European and state side tour.
I've never doubted her readings at times I was confused and perplexed because I didn't know how was actually gonna go down because in some things I had no interest or some people I had no interest in but all things are meant to come in in a way that we don't understand to serve our purpose to get us to the next level.
I don't know how much I can say thank you to you cause I always do and I'm never get tired of saying thank you but I really do appreciate your support and your guidance always I'm lucky to have you on my team as another friend of mine who also does spirit work but I'm a Gemini so I guess I deserve to is where a bit Complex lol.
Thank you again Agnieszka
March 11 2022 5:57pm
My reading with Agnieszka was mind blowing. The prediction she made in my reading came through exactly when she said it would! Everything that she said happened word for word. I was blown away by her accuracy, especially with the time frame. I definitely recommend her 100%. She does not sugarcoat at all but you can definitely count on her and her guidance.
March 11 2022 9:30pm
Dee Arre
I've been going to Agnieszka for a few years for Tarot readings. She has always been so accurate and on point for me. I've had spell work done by her, and it ALL does manifest properly if you let go of the outcome and don't obsess over it. The latest healing work Agnieszka has done for me is with Archangel Sandalphon. This healing has been super powerful with immediate signs, confirmations, and results. It is a very powerful healing and works well.
March 19 2022 4:35pm
I've used Agnieszka a few times for readings and she has always picked up on a lot of me and what's going on in my life, without revealing anything and resonated with me very well. Her readings and predictions are bang on. I would highly recommend her for a reading.
October 8 2020
Agnieszka is very kind and truly dedicated to empower people with guidance. On both occasions things have happened accordingly to what she has said in a short amount of time. I was in disbelief.
August 25 2020
Spirited L
I had my first reading with this lovely lady tonight. I really appreciated her straight forward no nonsense approach. I like how honest and insightful she is. I found her quite empowering! I look forward to speaking with her again soon. I am currently doing exactly what she suggested. :-)
August 11 2020
I have had a live reading with Agnieszka tonight. She was so sweet and so honest Her reading was spot on and I'm happy to know the truth. Thank you so much :-)
February 22, 2020
Excellent and On Point! Mind blown on the accurate information she channeled! Gives all her time thru readings too. Def very he4alng and life changing for me. Highly Recommend !
March 10 2019
Agnieszka was absolutely correct with the situation at hand with me. I was offered guidance and heart felt advice. The Tarot photo she attached was a great help to,
and appreciated. Thank You.